Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Dear Great One Above,

This will be my 1st official letter to you. For the past couple of months you have been ignoring me, thus I've decided to take this whole matter in my own hands and seize this perfect opportunity to write directly to you. I'd begged with puppy dog eyes and all for you to show me your Greatness though I haven't resorted to walk into the lion den screaming your name yet.

I give up.

Recently however, You seemed to took a pleasure of pulling my legs and watching me squirmed in discomfort.

You've gave me a perfect solution to each situation and yet You created more and more these absolutely 'perfect' situation just for me. All these requires the winning solution from me. But Your perfect creation is like 2 totally different jigsaw puzzle. Unique itself, though both are jigsaw puzzle, they paint a different story each, one can neither combine them or choose them both. This equals to decision-making = dilemma on my part.

I would certainly hope that I have been a good source of entertainment for You but this has has to come to an end. You can roll on the floor laughing Your ass off looking at my dumbfucked expression for one last time as I am pulling the brake on your jokes. Let's hope You could perform some miracles some last minute to reinstate my faith in you though that will be tons of hard work on Your part. Last but not least, I would like to thank you for Your undivided attention on me for this short period span. Thank you and bless You.

Your source of entertainment


tash said...

hey girl, i've been away for couple of days so din manage to read up yr gonna comment it here sekali gus happy that u have finally found yr condo (so sad cox i'm about to help to clean hehehehe) wat happen to you?have you accepted yr job offer?how was it?? what went wrong these days? n u know world cup is coming? wanna watch together??? we should catch up man...

daisy petals said...

Well girl, I've got one great news for you & myself as well, the owner is such a tidy person, basically the whole condo is sparkling clean. So can you help me clean the toilet instead? just kidding~ Oh yeah about my job, is kinda of hard to explain but..the summary of the whole story is, is actually a good news and I should be really glad for the offers.Will blog it later, try my best to get the picture across. Btw I so so know world cup is coming..hey who are rooting for leh? I am placing my bet on brazil, man, though I hope to see Japan in the finals..ya know asian cutie apart fr spaniards and italians~ wanna meet up? how about finals, let's look for a place with freaking huge plasma with tons of teh ice and SATAY...yeah?

vonzT said...

count me in count me in!!!! hahaha

daisy petals said...

von: come come come....the more the merrier~~~!!!!!yayyyy I so can't wait to see who's in the finals. wait, who are you rooting for? ivory coast?

tash said...

kakakakakaka wah good news wor!! u r soooo good la with d toilet offeer!!kakakaka sure sure make it final a date for all of us la! we find a place n see k!! me, u, von n who else??? must must see!! me rooting for england this year but like if korea can prove themselves again will be a great news too..but i really hope endlang will win leh..