Tuesday, May 02, 2006

OMG OMFG, hallelujah, my deadline is postponed to next monday instead of tomorrow, my client called citing that he and his board of directors are not free to layan me tomorrow, teheehee.

I wanna dance around the company.Instead of handing in some lacklustre, halfway done design, I have more time to develop the whole concept, and hey is not even my fault. Wohoo.


By the way, the newspaper has been making a big hoo ha about the once-in-a-century 01-02-03-04-05-06 phenomena and the day is MY BIRTHDAY tehee.

Anyway,they asked some astrologer? to foresee the fortune for the baby that is born on that day and time and they cited something about the baby is going to be ATTRACTIVE,SMART and WEALTHY.


Hey I was born on the same day, okay the timing was a bit off, whatever happen to my ATTRACTIVE,SMART and WEALTHY? ?darn should have crawl out earlier, then maybe now I will be clad in Chloe from head to toe with my manolos and fendi tote and I will be shower with love and admiration just because I was born with ever-so phenomenal-in-sequence birthtime and date. boh0o.

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