Monday, May 15, 2006

Faxed over, called up the friend who introduced the job to me, whined for a good 5minutes over the phone with him. Worse part, he actually agreed that the total amount is a bit hefty for a 2000sqft project.

After twiddling thumbs for a good 3hours, the director himself gave me a call and told me when is the board meeting and when I can expect the decision. 2weeks. Fair enough, at least I wont have to twiddle thumbs for the rest of the couple of days. relief*

Thank god for some people have courtesy. Ya know what I mean, like those interview, where they so know you are not going to make to the cut and yet they-so-do-not-want-to-hurt-your-feelings, by telling you to wait for their calls. Leaving you twiddling thumbs for the rest of the couple of days waiting, longing for their call and yet, they never call. You end up dissapointed and feeling like a damn loser-ish. I would have prefer you to cut the chase and give me the blunder.

Okay back to the topic, I am just so glad they called. Make it freaking Glad. Judging from the call, at least, you know they do treat your design seriously and they do respect you as a designer. Makes you feel like damn powder man!=P

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